Things had been going so well with my running. I'd been doing speedwork once a week - 5 x 800m repeats since you ask - and had been hitting an average of 6.30 miling despite sometimes snowy, icy or windy conditions. When things started to warm up, my easy mid-week runs became faster, and I was comfortably running sub 8s again, which started to give me the confidence that my running really was going in the right direction.
My training schedule recently has included 4 hour hilly trail runs on a weekend, and for the past few weeks, I've been pretty consistent in getting out to the local trails to get those runs in. Unfortunately, when least expected, the husband got called away from work at the last minute. It was only meant to be for a couple of days, but ended up being two weeks, and this inevitably had a huge impact on what, where and when I was able to run. Working full time, plus trying to train at a fairly decent level, and then having three pups that need lots of exercise, meant that those two weeks were extremely hectic for me, rushing backwards and forwards trying to get everything done, and then minimal sleep.
I was still trying to keep to the schedule, but that first week I didn't get out to the trails, and I ended up running for four hours around the local lake. I definitely wouldn't get the hills I needed, so instead, I made the decision to do a marathon, which would at least give me close to the four hours I needed for my weekend run.
I wasn't expecting too much, and that day ended up being much warmer than expected, which meant I got quite dehydrated. I also ran over the lunch period, so I was so hungry by the time I had finished. I'd taken some Tailwind, water, and a cheese sandwich with a scone, but after 26.3 miles, I really was famished and very thirsty.
The good news is that I had a decent run, finishing the marathon distance in 3 hours 40 minutes or thereabouts. It's a long way from the 3 hours I could run several years ago, but I've accepted that I'm not the runner I used to be, so I was pretty happy with the pace and the effort.
Marathon run on a relatively warm spring like day
The following week followed the same format - another speed session, a couple of 8 milers, rushing to and from work and the dog park and the grocery store, eating at 9pm and being so tired and getting more and more irritable through lack of sleep.
The hubby still wouldn't be home for the following weekend, and with another four hours on the plan, I really didn't want to miss another run where I wouldn't be able to get any elevation out on the trails. The trouble with these longer runs when I am home alone is that I hate leaving the dogs on their own for so long. They are alone during the week except for a quick 15 mins at lunch time when I go home to check on them, and so I hate leaving them at weekends when I;m off work. I decided to take the dogs for a good walk on the Saturday to try and tire them out, and then on Sunday, I would join a couple of friends out in Devon again for my four hour trail run.
The dogs always love a visit to the dog park, and I also find it relaxing just pottering around with them, and letting them do doggy things. I love the dogs so much, and they are always the biggest priority, even more so than my running. We had a fantastic walk that Saturday morning, with more walking later in the afternoon, and come Sunday morning, all three pups seemed tired and sleepy which removed those feelings of guilt, knowing they were going to be left on their own for the next few hours.
The run in Devon with Krysta and Adam was awesome, and it made such a change to have some company and a good catchup and a chat. It was also nice to just enjoy the run and not be running too fast! One of the things that sometimes puts me off running with others is that I always feel like we run too fast when my schedule calls for something much easier. I hate being a burden to others, so I tend to do their pace which is sometimes a little too much for me these days!
But that Sunday with Krysta and Adam was so relaxed, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. All the stress seemed to ease very quickly that day, and I was very happy. I ended up with a good 35k or something in the four hours, with almost 3000 ft of elevation. Unfortunately the others had to head home with 90 minutes remaining, but I finished off with a couple of flights of stairs on the other side of the river, with lots of squirrel sightings and another moose. It was a lovely sunny day, but the trails were still quite icy, but it was a fabulous run and I felt fantastic.
Sunday trails with friends :) |
Hills and trails mean tired legs!
Despite expecting Andy back on the Sunday, his arrival back home was once again moved, and it would now be Wednesday before he would be home, so I had to find a way of keeping myself entertained once again.
I took the dogs for more walks on the Sunday, and by Sunday evening, they all looked tired again, especially Wilson. He hadn't been his usual crazy self, and I just thought he had maybe overdone things this weekend and just needed a rest.
In some ways I was right in my theory regarding Wilson and his need for rest, but it ended up being more serious that I had initially thought. Awaking on Monday morning, Wilson was very lethargic and didn't want his breakfast. He followed me around like a little shadow and kept pushing his head into me, asking for cuddles. I knew something wasn't right, especially as he only half heartedly wanted a morning walk. I hoped he'd be ok by the time I got home from work later that day, but he still seemed off. He came for a walk with me and the girls, but he still had no interest in food, and just kept drinking lots of water.
Tuesday morning, he barely moved. I tried to feed him some food, but he still had no interest. Usually I give the dogs 24 hours before seeing the vet, depending on how serious things seemed, but whilst Wilson wasn't being sick or showing any other signs of illness, I just knew something wasn't right with him. He didn;t even want a walk on Tuesday morning ....
Andy wouldn't be home until the next day, so I called the vets to see if we could get an appointment - they had an opening that afternoon for both Wilson and April, the latter needing her annual checkup and vaccinations.
Given how poorly Wilson seemed, I honestly started to think we were going to lose him. I was so relieved to get a vet appointment, but also very anxious as to what could be wrong with Wilson. To get straight to the point, he had a high temperature, and the vet couldn't see anything obvious that might be causing a problem. He suspected an internal infection somewhere, and the only way to identify things would be to have xrays and bloodtests, just in case it was a tumour or something. The costs of these tests didn't matter - Wilson is our boy and I would pay anything to keep his quality of life, to keep him painfree and happy.
They kept Wilson at the vets on a drip for a couple of hours, so I headed over to the dog park with Tillie and April, anxiously waiting for the go ahead to pick Wilson up again. Those couple of hours were extremely tough, and it brought home to me just how much of an impact he has had on my life. His toys all around the house and in teh car, the barking and excitement at going out for walks and runs, his food bowls, his collar and lead - I really hoped he would be ok!
He came home that night but was still not very well at all, spending alot of time just sleeping. The next day we got the results - he had pneumonia and bronchitis, as well as pancreatitis. The former was treatable with pain killers and anitbiotics, but the latter is not treatable right now, and all we could do was address his diet and try to make things less uncomfortable for him.
It took a few days before Wilson seemed more like himself again, and it certainly had a huge impact on my emotions and motivation for running those few days. He has now perked up somewhat, but he still has bronchitis, and we still don't know whether he has a tumor or something sinister going on with his insides. Two weeks of antibiotics has helped, but he now needs an abdominal scan to determine what is going on with his pancreas. We are aware that some things can come on suddenly, but it seems like Wilson has been ill for a while, and we had no idea. He is so good at masking things, so when he really does seem poorly, he really IS poorly.
Thankfully Andy got home the following day, and so we had somebody to keep an eye on the pups all day long due to Andy working from home. It also meant that I didn't feel as guilty going out to Devon again the following weekend to get another four hours in on the trails, the caveat being that if Wilson relapsed, Andy was to call me straight away.
It's surprising how emotionally drained I was after that week with Wilson, and whilst I didn't exactly struggle with the run, I certainly felt more drained and less motivated to run. It was another warm and sunny day, and I ran Bunchberry Meadows and Tuckers Field, followed by a loop on the south side of the river. I didn't get in as much climbing as I'd hoped, but I did manage a good 24 miles of trails which is certainly better than the road running around our local town. My legs didn't feel too bad, but that drained feeling was hard to shake off.
More Devon trails, this time solo |
It's now a couple of weeks since Wilson went to the vets, and he is looking much better although we still have the scan to do at some point. He's enjoying his walks and playing again, and he's getting back on the bed overnight and enjoying his snuggles with me and the girls. It really is a relief, although we know he is getting older and that he will be more prone to illness now - we just have to keep a close watch on him and not let him trick us into thinking all is well all the time!
Wilson this past couple of days |
Our beautiful girls |
With Wilson's health much improved, it had a huge positive impact on my running again, and some of that motivation to get out and train has returned. My first race of the year is fast approaching with Hill of a Race on April 2nd. I don't feel quite as ready as I was hoping for in terms of having the strength to climb hills on a ski slope for 6 hours, but I want to go out there and just give things my best shot. Assuming all is well with Wilson and the girls, I'm looking forward to racing again very soon and challenging myself to see where I'm at.
Get well soon Wilson x