next week marks the start of my 7th week here in Canada, and despite a couple
of wobbles over the past few weeks, since our things arrived from the UK,
Lake Chaparral is starting to feel a bit more like home! The only drawback is still not finding work. I've applied for an endless list of jobs and have felt reassured by everybody here telling me there is ample employment with companies crying out for staff, and yet I've only had a response from just two of those I've gone for. Thankfully, one of these was an invitation to an interview which I'm pleased to say went exceptionally well and resulted in me having a provisional offer of employment pending a medical examination. I'm hoping by the end of this week, I will have a more concrete job offer and can finally look forward to actually working again and putting something back into the country I have chosen to live in.
Lake Chaparral is starting to feel a bit more like home! The only drawback is still not finding work. I've applied for an endless list of jobs and have felt reassured by everybody here telling me there is ample employment with companies crying out for staff, and yet I've only had a response from just two of those I've gone for. Thankfully, one of these was an invitation to an interview which I'm pleased to say went exceptionally well and resulted in me having a provisional offer of employment pending a medical examination. I'm hoping by the end of this week, I will have a more concrete job offer and can finally look forward to actually working again and putting something back into the country I have chosen to live in.
suppose there are pros and cons to not working. Having so much time on my hands
has meant too much thinking time, and on some occasions this has led to me
missing the familiarity of the UK - the ability to just disappear up the moors
when I want to for a run or a walk with Wilson, to visit friends and family
when I want to, or to potter around in the garden and do house things. Even
now, there are a some people that I miss immensely but thankfully, regular
emails and the odd old fashioned hand written letter means that I haven't lost
touch with them completely!
the positive side, I do have lots of time for running and with targeting the
Calgary Marathon at the end of May, I've had to get out and do the miles if I want
to have a half decent run. With things being up in the air at the beginning of
the year, I only made the decision to run the marathon when I flew out here at
the beginning of April, giving me just 8 weeks to train which isn't ideal in
all honesty. Whilst I had been running regularly when back in the UK, I didn't
have a structure and there certainly hadn't been any speed work. Since arriving
in Calgary however, although I still aren't following a schedule, I have
managed to do a few speed sessions in addition to some longer runs of around 20
miles to help prepare for the onslaught of a marathon.
problem since heading over the pond is that my training pace has slowed. At first
I was a little concerned as although I'm not at my peak, I had been feeling
pretty fit back in the UK. However, having spoken to a few local sporty people
since, it seems that my body is still adjusting to the difference in altitude
and the dry air. Whilst not high enough to make a significant difference to my
overall fitness, at 3,500 feet, Calgary is considerably higher than Stoke and
my body is taking its time getting used to it. Add to this the very dry dusty
air and low humidity of the City, it's small wonder that I've been struggling
with my breathing when trying to run the same steady paced runs I was doing
back in the UK. As time has gone on though, although I'm not running much
quicker, my breathing does feel better so I guess I am getting used to things
and with another 3 weeks until the marathon, maybe by then I'll be ok.
terms of training routes, I've found the lovely Fish Creek Provincial Park
which is just a 10-15 minute run from home. Fish Creek covers X area of
Calgary, and has bike tracks and trails going in all directions alongside the
Bow River and Fish Creek. With no access to a car during the week, my choice of
run is quite limited, so I find myself doing a hell of a lot of training runs
around there, and whilst the steep hill back to Chaparral is a bit of chore
every day, you can't really get too bored running around Fish Creek - plus it
will help if I enter a race with an uphill finish!
also been lucky enough to meet up with Alan Lam, and chap that has lived here
in Calgary since 1989, member of Calgary Road Runners, and a very keen trail
runner. He took me on a lovely trail at South Glenmore Park last week - Jack
Rabbit I believe - and it really was nice to get out somewhere different, and
whilst not exactly mountainous, it was certainly undulating with some pretty
steep, short sharp hills. That same
evening, Alan also arranged a night time walk up in the mountains near
to Canmore about an hour's drive from the City, and invited us along. It was
supposed to have been the night of the super moon, but the cloud cover
prevented any decent views of the moon, although it was attempting to come
through. We took the Ha Ling Trail up the mountain side, through forests at
turned 10 o'clock at night, and with my amateur take on the Canadian
Wilderness, although excited at the thought of walking in the dark, there was
also anxiety about bumping into the odd cougar, coyote or bear - especially
when we neared the top of the tree line and I spotted at least 2 different types
of animal footprints in the snow! I was almost hoping we would see something,
but also glad we didn't as I really am naive about how to react around wild
animals of this sort - they're not quite the same as encountering the odd fox
or badger back in the UK.
help keep me focused and to enable me feel at home, I've entered a few races,
mostly half marathons including the Millarville Race to the Farmers Market and
the Stampede Half. I also entered some 10km events - one on the trails in a
couple of weeks around the Olympic Park, and the other which took place just
two weeks after my arrival.
was the inaugural Bow River Run 10km and at just $10 to enter, I thought I
would give it a go. I was hoping to run close to 40 mins, but with no speed in
my legs, I knew I was probably being ambitious. The race started in Edworthy
Park in Calgary and was an out and back course along the river banks. Not hilly
at all, it was an ideal opportunity to have a blow out and see how fast my legs
could go.
day started on the cool side, and whilst everybody else was dressed in hats and
gloves and winter running gear, I stood there feeling somewhat underdressed in
my shorts and Staffordshire Moorlands vest - there were even patches of snow
that hadn't yet melted alongside the river and although the sun was shining
brightly, it really was quite cold in the shade.
Somewhat under-dressed compared to other competitors! |
5km event was held alongside the 10km, and with a limit of just 300 runners, it
was a low key event and just perfect as an introduction the Canadian racing
the start, I found myself near the front and was aiming for just under 4 mins
for each km split, but after the first 1k, it was clear that I was never going
to get a sub 40 as I went through bang on 4 mins - usually the first km /mile
is the fastest for me in a race. I figured the best thing would be to just try
and maintain the pace for as long as possible. After about 2km I overtook the
leading lady and knowing I was now leading, the pressure really was on to keep
things going despite the burning lungs and legs like lead.
good thing about this race was the out and back aspect, so at the 5k
turnaround, you passed runners going in the other direction. At this point, I
was probably just 200m or so ahead of the second placed lady, and having that
thirst for victory, I didn't want to ease off. My next km was a shocking 4.26 and
it was likely that the gap was starting to close, so with everything I had, I
pushed harder and focused on a chap in front of me to just keep me going.
the finish line, I was delighted to have won my first race over here, even if I
was only 43 seconds ahead of the next lady - a win is a win after all! Yes I
would have liked to have ran faster, but in all fairness, I probably ran as
expected given my limited targeted training of late!
![]() |
Post race victory cuddle off my most avid supporter! |
for my efforts to be spent at the Mountain Equipment Coop was pretty impressive
considering such a cheap $10 entry fee, and the atmosphere at the race was
great. It was nice to meet other runners and have a chat, and it's certainly
true that runners are the same the world over - they have drive, passion and ambition to do
well and go for PBs - regardless of age or ability - but more importantly, they
enjoy their chosen sport.
with the marathon looming, I have been invited onto the local Breakfast TV as
well as attend the VIP event on the Friday evening before the marathon. Whilst
I've said yes to both, I'm not really sure whether I will add any value to
either of them, and am just hoping that I don't let people down. I'm not going
to say what my predicted time is for the marathon but I do have an idea as to
how I will do now. It will be nowhere near my 2.47 PB, but so long as I give
things my best shot, then I'll be happy whatever the outcome.
now though, I guess it's back to the grindstone - I'm off out for a 5 mile
tempo run - wish me luck!
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